Friday, April 4, 2008

Everything Happens for the Best!!!!!

Everything happens for the best and we love to believe that...just yesterday a good ,God-fearing, devout friend of mine was telling me how I should hold on and all will be well. I nodded without retrospect, do we rally have a choice? Life has shown me a lot, and though my mind is turbulent just now, I know how to make peace with this inner turmoil, I know that we mortals have no other alternative but to hold on and hope...long ago, I lost a job because of a transfer that I couldnot take, it was a vindictive method my employer administered to get me out and ease another candidate bro was livid, he reminde me of what he read in a book titled 'When Bad Things Happen to Good People'( my bro after all found me to be a very good soul.. hee hee,.. miss u Gopal), and how each one gets paid according to their deeds. My ex employers are prosperous and I am still a struggling in another private institute, and yet I console myself that whatever happened, happened for the best. I recall the tears and the anguish of later episodes more personal than professional, I am waiting for justice and still consoling myself with the age old adage...have very little else to console myself with...ha ha!


Vrushali Deshpande said...
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Vrushali Deshpande said...

You are bringing about a change in the life of many students. In many ways my resilience is the result of your encouragement, belief in me and motivation.

Ma'am, you are helping all of us to be better managers.

Who knows tomorrow one of them receives "World's best business Leader" award for bringing about a revolution no one could ever forecast.

Think of it! There are high probabilities that if that happens, the person would not leave without offering his/her gratitude to you.

I am sure that would be the day when you will truly believe that whatever happened, happened for a reason and that reason gave you the happiness you would have not otherwise experienced.

PN said...

As Vrushali rightly says "you are briging about a change"...u have no clues what you have done to so many people who knows you...Life is such maam!!! that when u are looking around at the dead flowers at your dont know how many new flowers are blossoming at others end...just because of you!!!

God bless!!!

Hep Joan said...

If you read the blog properly, I dedicated the last line to a few people. Who do you think is J-Girl, Jolly?
It's a test of patience, but, as Economics tells us... the Boom comes only after a period of recession followed by depression(Trade Cycles)
The best part of your life (and mine)is yet to come. I'm waiting with a lot of hope! What about you?