Monday, September 22, 2008


A visual news caught my eyes the other day, it was one of a mother, in her attempt to save her son from the tumbling rubble during the recent Chinese earthquake, wrapped herself around him, perishing under the onslaught.The bodies were recovered days after the incident, under tons of debris. The rigormortis of the body showed a little gap between her body and her child's, an attempt on her part to save her child till the last...
I remember my mother, would sit with me awake the entire night when I had an awful attack of allergic wound on my palm. I was so much in pain that I would sleep , if at all, only on her lap. She would have to sit to accommodate me and would do it most ungrudgingly. The next day would be another hectic day for her, the trails of the night forgotten. This is just one stray incident that I mentioned. I could tells millions of stories of her unflagging commitment towards motherhood.
Today, I am a mother of an adolescent son, and I see the same trait in me, fierce as a tiger when it comes standing for him, I can negate myself completely for his comfort. Thats the quality of a mother universally, be it a human being or an animal. Fathers too are biologically linked to their children, but do they also feel so strongly for their off springs? A recent news to hit notice was that of a father, who deserted his child and wife because the child was born with a hole in the heart. A mosque adopted the mother and child and with a little publicity, sponsors have poured in to help the hapless child...thanks to the timely help, the child will at least get adequate treatment.What we need to see is the mother, who stood by her child who she bore in her womb..what do we say about the father? I sound gender biased I am sure, but I have stated only facts!


spicymist said...

i know what you are talking about. last week my brother was sick with viral fever, so every 2 hours my mom would come and check in on him even during the night. she must have done the same when i had been sick too, but i guess when ur sick, u dont register such facts. right now she looks more tired than my brother who has recovered now. most of the times, we are so busy keeping in touch with our friends that we forget to take notice of one who has always been there for us since birth: mom

Anonymous said...

Dear Jolly, I have always wanted to be regular, particularly in reading your blog, eversince i went through a few writings long time back. Have been grappling with my reading skills though. Well, after a long bad day as i sat to make some progress in my work, some restless part of me just could not be there. its been a month now that my mother has been away. Not that i have that extra special bond coz i am more of an inside person. Was looking forward to some experiential sharing and reaching out to the world and to the people in it. Somehow there had a been an immense monotony. No wonder i found myself scrolling through your entries, feeling touched by teh entire theme of 'mothers'. I nostalgically remember the time when during my masters i was so struck by the concept of 'the good-enough mother' by winnicott. Once shared my anxiety with my friend about whetehr i'll be good-enough or not. Well, the maternal instinct comes so naturally to me. Though the youngest in the family yet i so very want to nurture. I just love kids. oh how i enjoy my independence in managing things on my own and taking care of others and the house. But at some ocassional times, like today, a profound sense of being nurtured dawns upon me. oh how sometimes i want to be taken care of like a baby. Oh how i want to wrap myself up in a safe womb. Oblivious of what happens in and to the entire world. Of living the sweet ignorance of childhood. Of living like a king in infancy. Of course, this time of the year makes me empathize with my mother and wonder in surprise about a mother's ceaseless instincts and of what happens the child in her? Is that child heard and allowed to live too, or is it merely forgotten in the eternal providing role...?

Jolly said...

dont know how to reach u Reema, so replying to u here. loved what u wrote. it shows ur sensitivity. Keep in touch.