Saturday, July 5, 2008

strange friendship...

Talking of unusual friendships, the latest one is really really unusual. It has been my constant companion for almost a month now, every time I step out of my home. I don't know how it would find me out, but no sooner had I taken a couple of steps outside my home and there it would be, its long hairy ears flying in the breeze, a slow trot to keep pace with my not so fast gait. Yes, I am talking about this stray puppy that has taken fancy to me. Like a persistent lover it would follow me on my morning walks and even growl at people who even so much as gave me an appreciative glance! I only had to stop to look at him (now I prefer to call it a he for obvious reasons, have not been able to identify its sex yet!), and such pretense! It would look away as if it did not know me at all, so much so, even chase an imaginary fly! Three days in a row it followed me and I knew I had a friend for life.
Its been over a month now, we share an unusual rapport, we maintain a distance yet the closeness is palpable...the day before, I missed him for the first time, I looked for him all over to find him nowhere. today too he was missing....I really really hope we do meet tomorrow, and God, when we do meet tomorrow, do give me the courage to pat him even lightly on his furry head just to tell him that I am fond of him too? God let me meet him tomorrow please!

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